MeetPro is available for Windows and Mac OS X computers and runs natively on each platform. A single license can be used on both platforms and the functionality is the same on each system.
MeetPro streamlines meet database setup. Creating a database from scratch is simple and easy. MeetPro can also import events from DirectAthletics, TCL files, EV1 files, and other MeetPro databases.
MeetPro can import entries, results, seeding, teams and athletes from DirectAthletics, TFRRS, all other online entry providers, TCL files, semi-colon delimited files, and other MeetPro databases. MeetPro can import from and upload to DirectAthletics and TFRRS directly.
MeetPro supports all seeding rules for college, IAAF, and high school meets (including team lanes). And MeetPro’s manual seeding window lets you modify seeding (or seed from scratch) quickly with an intuitive and easy to use interface.
Entering results in MeetPro couldn’t be easier. And MeetPro supports the most common results systems with no add-ons required. MeetPro supports FinishLynx, FieldLynx and Flash Timing for Track & Field results as well as MyLaps, Ipico, Time Machine, NK Interval 2000, Sprint 8, ClassFive and Chronotrack for Cross Country.
MeetPro produces reports in PDF, HTML, Text and AP formats.
MeetPro offers fully customizable HTML report templates. Check out the new guide here.
MeetPro is the only meet manager on the market to publish split times in results.
Cross country becomes a much more exciting sport to watch if your specators know what’s happening! MeetPro can display cross country scores for a race in progress using the Split Scores display (web or scoreboard). As athletes cross the timing mat at a split, scores for that athlete’s team are updated on the web instantly - or on your Daktronics or ResulTV display.
Below is an example of the split scoreboard webpage for a 6k with split mats at 2k and 3k:
For more information on XC Split Scoring click here
All meet management software supports records, but MeetPro’s records system syncs with the TFRRS records database, which updates your records database when records are broken automatically. Custom records for teams, conferences, field houses, etc. can be created and integrated into your default records database. Records can be imported from other databases and TCL files.
MeetPro supports live results via DA Live (no account necessary), FTP, and Amazon S3. Heat Sheets and Performance Lists can also be uploaded using these interfaces. Live results can be customized very easily using CSS and HTML. Example live results page.
MeetPro supports Daktronics and ResulTV Scoreboard interfaces
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Multi-user mode is available using MeetPro Server.